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The purpose of this community service activity is to educate and increase the understanding of class VII ICT students at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta regarding pain and how to handle it and educate about computer network processes. The method used is by counseling and training. Counseling is carried out to increase education and understanding regarding the understanding of pain and computer network processes. While the training was conducted to train students to use medical therapy devices, namely infrared so that they can be used independently by them and training on making UTP cables with Rj45 connectors for LAN computer network data communications. There are two sessions in this activity, namely education and training on the use of infrared therapy devices as well as education and training for UTP and Rj45 cables. The activity was enthusiastically attended by students because this activity was something new for them marked by partners who hoped that there would be community service activities like this in the future. In addition, after the activity is carried out, mentoring will be held for 3 months so that the knowledge provided can be applied properly.
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Abdillah, O. Z., Putri, A. K., Nugraha, D. A., & Putri, A. M. A. (2021). Pengaruh Modalitas Infra Red Dan Terapi Latihan Hold Relax Exercise Dalam Megurangi Nyeri Dan Meningkatkan Kemampuan Fungsional Pasien Tendinitis Bicipitalis. Physiotherapy Health Science (PhysioHS), 3(2), 70–73.
B, A. (2017). Makna pembelajaran dalam pendidikan (The Meaning of Learning in Education). ISTIQRA’, V(1), 94–102.
Hermawan, Y. C., Juliani, W. I., & Widodo, H. (2020). Konsep Kurikulum Dan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal MUDARRISUNA: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam, 10(1), 34.
Hikmah, M. (2020). Makna Kurikulum Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran, 15(1), 113–122. Retrieved from
Ilham, D., & Suyatno, S. (2020). Pengembangan manajemen kurikulum dan pembelajaran di pondok pesantren. Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan, 8(2), 186–195.
Lazwardi, D. (2017). MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM SEBAGAI PENGEMBANGAN TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN. Al-Idarah: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam, 7(1), 99–112.
Nurcipto, D., & Gandha, G. I. (2017). Pengendalian Dosis Inframerah pada Alat Terapi Menggunakan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Setrum, 6(1), 194–204.
Nursa’id, M., Israwan, W., Zakaria, A., & Hargiani, F. X. (2022). Efektifitas Terapi Infra Red Untuk Pengurangan Nyeri Pada Pasien Cephalgia. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 7(2), 59–63.
Prabashanti, N. N. D. Y., Andayani, N. L. N., & Sutadarma, I. W. G. (2018). the the Differences Between the Effectiveness of Infrared Intervention and Plantar Fascia Stretch and Infrared Intervention and Calf Raises Toward Reduction of Plantaris Pain of Female Employees in Ramayana Bali Mall With High Heels. Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia, 6(3), 1–4.
Prasetyo, E. B. (2022). Pengaruh terapi sinar infra merah dan back exercise pada low back pain. Jurnal PENA, 36(2), 110–116.
Shui, S., Wang, X., Chiang, J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2015). Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review. Exp Biol Med (Maywood), 10.
T, A. M., & Purwoko, B. (2017). Studi Kepustakaan Mengenai Landasan Teori Dan Praktik Konseling Expressive Writing Library. Jurnal BK UNESA, 8(1), 1–8.
Widowati, R., Murti, B., & Pamungkasari, E. P. (2017). Effectiveness of Acupuncture and Infrared Therapies for Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in the Elderly. Indonesian Journal of Medicine, 2(1), 41–51.
Wongkar, S., Sinsuw, A., & Najoan, X. (2015). Analisa Implementasi Jaringan Internet Dengan Menggabungkan Jaringan LAN Dan WLAN Di Desa Kawangkoan Bawah Wilayah Amurang II. E-journal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer, 4(6), 62–68.